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1   //$Id:,v 1.15 2007/10/30 10:09:47 kameleono Exp $
3   package net.sourceforge.sql2java;
5   import java.sql.Connection;
6   import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
7   import java.sql.DriverManager;
8   import java.sql.ResultSet;
9   import java.sql.SQLException;
10  import java.util.Hashtable;
11  import java.util.Iterator;
12  import java.util.SortedMap;
13  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
14  import java.util.TreeMap;
15  import java.util.Vector;
17  public class Database
18  {
19      private String tableTypes[];
20      private Connection pConnection;
21      private DatabaseMetaData meta;
22      private Vector tables;
23      private Hashtable tableHash;
24      private String engine, driver, url, username, password, catalog, schema, tablenamepattern;
25      private boolean retrieveRemarks = true;
26      private String activeConnections, idleConnections, maxWait;
28      public void setOracleRetrieveRemarks(boolean retrieveRemarks) { this.retrieveRemarks = retrieveRemarks;}
29      public void setDriver(String driver) { this.driver = driver; }
30      public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; }
31      public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; }
32      public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
33      public void setCatalog(String catalog) { this.catalog = catalog; }
34      public void setTableNamePattern(String tablenamepattern) { this.tablenamepattern = tablenamepattern; }
35      public void setTableTypes(String[] tt) { this.tableTypes = tt; }
36      public void setActiveConnections(String activeConnections) { this.activeConnections = activeConnections; }
37      public void setIdleConnections(String idleConnections) { this.idleConnections = idleConnections; }
38      public void setMaxWait(String maxWait) { this.maxWait = maxWait; }
40      public boolean getOracleRetrieveRemarks() { return this.retrieveRemarks; }
41      public String getEngine() { return engine; }
42      public String getDriver() { return driver; }
43      public String getUrl() { return url; }
44      public String getUsername() { return username; }
45      public String getPassword() { return password; }
46      public String getCatalog() { return catalog; }
47      public String getSchema() { return schema; }
48      public String getTableNamePattern() { return tablenamepattern; }
49      public String[] getTableTypes() { return tableTypes; }
50      public String getActiveConnections() { return activeConnections; }
51      public String getIdleConnections() { return idleConnections; }
52      public String getMaxWait() { return maxWait; }
54      public void setSchema(String schema)
55      {
56          if ("null".equalsIgnoreCase(schema))
57              this.schema = null;
58          else
59              this.schema = schema;
60      }
63      /**
64       * Return an array of tables having foreign key pointing to the
65       * passed table.
66       */
67      public Table[] getRelationTable(Table table)
68      {
69          Vector vector = new Vector();
71          for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < tables.size(); iIndex ++)
72          {
73              Table tempTable = (Table)tables.get(iIndex);
75              // skip itself
76              if (table.equals(tempTable))
77                  continue;
79              // check only for relation table
80              if (tempTable.isRelationTable())
81              {
82                  if (tempTable.relationConnectsTo(table))
83                  {
84                      if (!vector.contains(tempTable))
85                          vector.add(tempTable);
86                  }
87              }
88          }
89          return (Table[])vector.toArray(new Table[vector.size()]);
90      }
92      public void load() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
93      {
94          // Connect to the database
95          Class.forName(driver);
98          System.out.println("Connecting to " + username + " on " + url + " ...");
99          pConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
100         System.out.println("    Connected.");
101         try
102         {
103             if (pConnection instanceof oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection)
104                 ((oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection)pConnection).setRemarksReporting(getOracleRetrieveRemarks());
105         }
106         catch(NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) 
107         {
108             // skip if the oracle jdbc is not present ...
109         }
110         catch(Exception e)
111         {
112             // skip if the oracle jdbc is not present ...
113         }
115         meta = pConnection.getMetaData();
116         engine = meta.getDatabaseProductName();
117         System.out.println("    Database server :" + engine + ".");
118         engine = new StringTokenizer(engine).nextToken();
119         tables = new Vector();
120         tableHash = new Hashtable();
122         loadTables();
123         loadColumns();
124         loadPrimaryKeys();
125         loadImportedKeys();
126 		loadIndexes(); // experimental
127         loadProcedures(); // experimental
129         pConnection.close();
130     }
132     public Table[] getTables()
133     {
134         return (Table[])tables.toArray(new Table[tables.size()]);
135     }
137     private void addTable(Table t) {
138         tables.addElement(t);
139         tableHash.put(t.getName(), t);
140     }
142     public Table getTable(String name) {
143         return (Table)tableHash.get(name);
144     }
146     /**
147      * Load all the tables for this schema.
148      */
149     private void loadTables() throws SQLException
150     {
151         System.out.println("Loading table list according to pattern " + tablenamepattern + " ...");
153         // tablenamepattern is now a comma-separated list of patterns
154         java.util.StringTokenizer st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(tablenamepattern, ",; \t");
155         while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
156             String pattern = ((String)st.nextToken()).trim();
157             String tableSchema = schema;
158             int index = pattern.indexOf('.');
159             if (index > 0) {
160                 tableSchema = pattern.substring(0, index);
161                 pattern = pattern.substring(index+1);
162             }
163             ResultSet resultSet =  meta.getTables(catalog, tableSchema, pattern, tableTypes);
164             while(
165             {
166                 Table table = new Table();
167                 table.setCatalog(resultSet.getString("TABLE_CAT"));
168                 table.setSchema(resultSet.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"));
169                 table.setName(resultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"));
170                 table.setType(resultSet.getString("TABLE_TYPE"));
171                 table.setRemarks(resultSet.getString("REMARKS"));
172                 if (CodeWriter.authorizeProcess(table.getName(), "tables.include", "tables.exclude")) {
173 	                addTable(table);
174 	                System.out.println("    table " + table.getName() + " found");
175                 }
176             }
177             resultSet.close();
178         }
179     }
181     /**
182      * For each table, load all the columns.
183      */
184     private void loadColumns() throws SQLException
185     {
186         System.out.println("Loading columns ...");
187         for (Iterator it = tables.iterator(); it.hasNext(); /**/) {
188             Table table = (Table);
189             Column c = null;
191             ResultSet resultSet =  meta.getColumns(table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName(), "%");
192             while(
193             {
194                 c = new Column();
195                 c.setDatabase(this);
196                 c.setCatalog(resultSet.getString("TABLE_CAT"));
197                 c.setSchema(resultSet.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"));
198                 c.setTableName(resultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"));
199                 c.setName(resultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
200                 c.setType(resultSet.getShort("DATA_TYPE"));
201                 c.setSize(resultSet.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"));
202                 c.setDecimalDigits(resultSet.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS"));
203                 c.setRadix(resultSet.getInt("NUM_PREC_RADIX"));
204                 c.setNullable(resultSet.getInt("NULLABLE"));
205                 c.setRemarks(resultSet.getString("REMARKS"));
206                 c.setDefaultValue(resultSet.getString("COLUMN_DEF"));
207                 c.setOrdinalPosition(resultSet.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION"));
208                 table.addColumn(c);
209             }
210             resultSet.close();
212             System.out.println("    " + table.getName() + " found " + table.countColumns() + " columns");
213         }
214     }
216     /**
217 	 * For each table, load the primary keys.
218 	 */
219 	private void loadPrimaryKeys() throws SQLException {
220 		System.out.println("Database::loadPrimaryKeys");
222 		for (Iterator it = tables.iterator(); it.hasNext(); /**/) {
223 			Table table = (Table);
224             SortedMap map = new TreeMap();
226 			ResultSet pResultSet = meta.getPrimaryKeys(table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName());
227 			while ( {
228 				String colName = pResultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
229 				int seq = pResultSet.getShort("KEY_SEQ");
230 				System.out.println("Found primary key (seq,name) (" + seq
231 						+ "," + colName
232 						+ ") for table '" + table.getName() + "'");
233 				Column col = table.getColumn(colName);
234 				if (col != null) {
235 					map.put(String.valueOf(seq), col);
236 				}
237 			}
238 			pResultSet.close();
240 			int size = map.size();
241 			for (int k = 1; k <= size; k++) {
242 				Column col = (Column) map.get(String.valueOf(k));
243 				table.addPrimaryKey(col);
244 			}
245 		} // for each table
246 	}
248     /**
249 	 * For each table, load the imported key. <br>
250 	 * An imported key is the other's table column clone. Its ForeignKeyColName
251 	 * corresponds to the table's column name that points to the other's table.
252 	 */
253     private void loadImportedKeys() throws SQLException
254     {
255         System.out.println("Loading imported keys ...");
257         for (Iterator it = tables.iterator(); it.hasNext(); /**/) {
258             Table table = (Table);
259             ResultSet resultSet;
260 			try {
261 				resultSet = meta.getImportedKeys(table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName());
262 			} catch (SQLException sqle) {
263         		System.out.println("    Error while loading imported keys for table "+ table.getName());
264         		continue;
265 			}
266             while(
267             {
268                 String tabName = resultSet.getString("FKTABLE_NAME");
269                 String colName  = resultSet.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME");
271                 String foreignTabName= resultSet.getString("PKTABLE_NAME");
272                 String foreignColName= resultSet.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME");
274                 Column col = getTable(tabName).getColumn(colName);
275                 Table foreignTable = getTable(foreignTabName);
276                 if (null != foreignTable) {
277 	                Column foreignCol = foreignTable.getColumn(foreignColName);
279 	                col.addForeignKey(foreignCol);
280 	                foreignCol.addImportedKey(col);
281 	                //getTable(foreignTabName).addImportedKey(col);
283 	                System.out.println("    " +  col.getFullName() + " -> " + foreignCol.getFullName() + " found ");
284                 }
285             }
287             resultSet.close();
288         }
289     }
291 	/**
292 	 * For each table, load the indexes.
293 	 */
294     //*
295 	private void loadIndexes() throws SQLException
296 	{
297 		System.out.println("Loading indexes ...");
299         for (Iterator it = tables.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
300             Table table = (Table);
301 			ResultSet resultSet = null;
302             try {
303                 resultSet =  meta.getIndexInfo(table.getCatalog(),
304 													  table.getSchema(),
305 													  table.getName(),
306 													  false,
307 													  true);
308             } catch (SQLException sqle) {
309                 System.out.println("    Error while loading indexes for table "+ table.getName());
310                 continue;
311             }
312             String currentName = "";
313             Index index = null;
314 			while(
315 			{
316                 if (DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic == resultSet.getShort("TYPE")) {
317                     continue;
318                 }
319 				String colName = resultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
320 				String indName = resultSet.getString("INDEX_NAME");
322                 if (colName != null && indName != null) {
323                     Column col = table.getColumn(colName);
324                     if (col.isPrimaryKey()) {
325                         break;
326                     } else {
327                         System.out.println("  Found interesting index " + indName + " on " +
328                                            colName + " for table " +  table.getName());
329                     }
330                 }
332                 if (!currentName.equals(indName)) {
333                     index = new Index(indName, table);
334                     index.setUnique(!resultSet.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE"));
335                     currentName = indName;
336                 }
337                 IndexColumn column = new IndexColumn();
338                 column.setName(resultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
339                 column.setOrdinalPosition(resultSet.getShort("ORDINAL_POSITION"));
340                 column.setSortSequence(resultSet.getString("ASC_OR_DESC"));
341                 column.setFilterCondition(resultSet.getString("FILTER_CONDITION"));
342                 index.addIndexColumn(column);
343 			}
345 			resultSet.close();
346 		}
347 	}
348 	/**/
350     private void loadProcedures() throws SQLException {
351         System.out.println("Loading procedures ...");
353         for (Iterator it = tables.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
354             Table table = (Table);
355             String procedurePattern = table.getTableProperty("procedures");
356             if ((null == procedurePattern) || "".equals(procedurePattern)) {
357                 procedurePattern = "%" + table.getName() + "%";
358             }
359             ResultSet resultSet = null;
360             try {
361                 resultSet =  meta.getProcedures(table.getCatalog(),
362                                                       table.getSchema(),
363                                                       procedurePattern);
364             } catch (SQLException sqle) {
365                 System.out.println("    Error while loading procedures for table "+ table.getName());
366                 continue;
367             }
368             while(
369             {
370                 String spName = resultSet.getString("PROCEDURE_NAME");
371                 String spRemarks = resultSet.getString("REMARKS");
372                 // boolean returnsResult = DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult == resultSet.getShort("PROCEDURE_TYPE");
374                 Procedure procedure = new Procedure();
375                 procedure.setName(spName);
376                 procedure.setRemarks(spRemarks);
377             	procedure.setReturnType("void");
378                 table.addProcedure(procedure);
380                 System.out.println("    Found procedure " + spName + " for table " + table.getName());
382                 ResultSet rs = meta.getProcedureColumns(catalog, schema, spName, null);
383                 while( {
384                     String colName = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
385                     short columnType = rs.getShort("COLUMN_TYPE");
386                     if (DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnUnknown == columnType) {
387                         System.err.println("    Column " + colName + " of unknown type in procedure " + spName);
388                         continue;
389                     }
390                     Column c = new Column();
391                     c.setType(rs.getShort("DATA_TYPE"));
392                     if (DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnReturn == columnType) {
393                     	procedure.setReturnType(c.getJavaType());
394                     	continue;
395                     }
396                     c.setDatabase(this);
397                     c.setCatalog(rs.getString("PROCEDURE_CAT"));
398                     c.setSchema(rs.getString("PROCEDURE_SCHEM"));
399                     c.setTableName(rs.getString("PROCEDURE_NAME"));
400                     c.setName(colName);
401                     c.setSize(rs.getInt("LENGTH"));
402                     c.setDecimalDigits(rs.getInt("SCALE"));
403                     c.setRadix(rs.getInt("RADIX"));
404                     c.setNullable(rs.getInt("NULLABLE"));
405                     c.setRemarks(rs.getString("REMARKS"));
406                     switch (columnType) {
407                         case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn:
408                             procedure.addInColumn(c);
409                         break;
410                         case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnInOut:
411                             procedure.addInOutColumn(c);
412                         break;
413                         case DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnOut:
414                             procedure.addOutColumn(c);
415                         break;
416                         default:
417                             // procedureColumnResult - result column in ResultSet 
418                         	procedure.setReturnType("List");
419                     }
420                 }
421                 rs.close();
422             }
424             resultSet.close();
425         }
426     }
428     public String[] getAllPackages()
429     {
430         Vector vector = new Vector();
431         for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < tables.size(); iIndex ++)
432         {
433             Table table = (Table)tables.get(iIndex);
434             if (vector.contains(table.getPackage()) == false)
435             {
436                 vector.add(table.getPackage());
437             }
438         }
439         return (String[])vector.toArray(new String[vector.size()]);
440     }
441 }